My 2014 Bucket List: Revisited

Picture from my Instagram (we had a small NYE party in our new flat) 

Firstly I would like to say Happy New Year! I hope you had a great time celebrating - I certainly did! This year has gone so quickly, and so many unexpected things have happened! At the beginning of last year I decided to make a 2014 bucket list for the first time - a list of things I wanted to achieve by 2015 to be more precise. I therefore wanted to revisit them to see if I they had been fulfilled (you can see the original list here). I must admit I haven't actually looked at them for a few months, so whether or not I have managed to complete them is a little hazy for me too. Here it goes...

Here is my little list of resolutions from 2014:

1) Try a macaron for the first time - COMPLETED - read more about that adventure here
2) Go somewhere I've never been before/do something I've never done - I moved away from home to a completely new city this year - does that count? 
3) Learn a new language - This has been put on the back burner a bit due to the event above. 
4) Exercise at least once a week - COMPLETED - I joined the gym this year!
5) Save up for and buy a digital SLR camera - This one, to my dismay, still hasn't been completed; definitely something for 2015. 
6) Read more literature - COMPLETED. 
7) Get a job that utilises my degree - COMPLETED.
8) Learn to play the ukulele - to be completed. 
9) Worry less, blog more - Apart from the last month, I think I have managed to complete this?
10) Be more productive; wake up a little earlier - COMPLETED - due to my job I wake up at 6:30am every morning.

7 (ish) out of 10 isn't too bad? Hopefully this year I can work on the other 3 and add a few more!